• It is already fall, and spring cleaning wasn’t done.
  • You say, “No, he won’t like it any way.”
  • You say, “I could slough the rest of the afternoon. No one will notice.”
  • You think about buying a new car instead of changing the oil and vacuuming the one you have.
  • You don’t balance your checkbook (or send in your payments on time).
  • Have you ever said, “I will do my Christmas shopping early this year”?
  • The garbage stays in your kitchen one day too long.
  • You pledge to watch the movie “when the DVD comes out,” but never do.
  • You set goals and then forget about them.
  • You do not set goals.
  • You missed a meeting, because you did not write it down.
  • “I'll call you tomorrow.”
  • You are upset with a product, but you do not write the company.
  • Those darn plants should be repotted...next year.
  • Let’s organize a family reunion...some day.
  • You car isn’t clean, your bed isn’t made, you don’t have plans for the weekend, laundry is piling, “I’d like to try the new restaurant,” your journal hasn’t been opened in months, your shoes aren’t polished, you never took that bicycle trip, and another year has passed without...

If you see your pattern here,
then it is time to do something about it now

I read a half dozen items from that list to a customer over the telephone as I was writing this report. I asked what it would mean to him if those items were no longer issues. Without hesitation, he said, “It would be like living in a perfect world. I would be happy just handling a few of them. I'd love to be that motivated, disciplined, organized, or whatever. What do I need to do?”

If, like him, you checked any of the above, and if you honestly want to do something about it, then you have to do something. Or else it will stay the same. Wishing about it will not work.

"The good news is that there is something that can work for you."

There are 3 Paraliminal CDs to use. If you do not have them, order them today. You should notice quick results. There is no need for aggravations in your life, especially when there is something you can easily do to adjust the situation.

If you have not used Paraliminal recordings before, you are in for a treat. People say they are the most effective self-improvement programs available today. They do not use subliminal messages or questionable hypnosis, and they do not require nonstop listening. They are based on the advanced technologies of neuro-linguistic programming and preconscious processing. They work best when used with stereo headphones. They may also be the most enjoyable, relaxing, and stress-eliminating CDs you will ever experience.

Solution #1: Change your bad habits with the
New Behavior Generator

There are two basic uses for this one-of-a-kind CD, but there are probably four billion applications. Use it to acquire new behaviors or use it to neutralize behaviors that may be blocking you.

This CD can help you vaporize bad habits. Simply listen to Session A. Know your goal and think of the behavior that is blocking your success (this is the bad habit). Then go on with your life.

Soon—maybe within 20 minutes, or maybe a couple weeks—that behavior will no longer be your nemesis. Either that behavior will disappear from your life, or it will no longer adversely affect you.

If you want to replace that behavior (or bad habit) with a useful behavior, then listen to Session B. This session helps you generate new behaviors.

Solution #2: Adjust your priorities to get things done today with Get Around To It

When Paul Scheele was working on our revolutionary PhotoReading Personal Learning Course, he came into my office, and said...

“Pete, working on the personal learning course has been challenging. I couldn’t get into it. I listened to the Get Around To It Paraliminal the other day, and I have been jazzed. I have made great progress on the project.”

(Yes, Paul does listen to his own CDs. Even people who are experts in self-improvement use tools. We are continually being bombarded by negative programming that we need to jam. The Paraliminals are a great tool to do just that—so you can live a life that is free from distractions, inaction, uselessness, and things that get you down.)

Get Around To It helps you on a deep inner level to order your priorities. If there is something you are putting off, the CD will help you evaluate how important it is to you. This CD will help you understand that doing the task will make you feel good immediately.

Listening to this CD helps you understand "how much you really want to do something", and it drives your desire and motivation to get it done.

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