Consistently attract the good, positive, and extraordinary
The Law of Attraction says: you get what you think about... you are a living magnet... like energy attracts like energy... what you sow, you reap... you attract people, situations, jobs, opportunities into your life...
The good and the bad. It works both ways. In other words, if you’re deep in debt, you attracted it. If you have a lousy relationship (or none at all), you attracted it. If you have an uninspiring job, you attracted it.
You may be thinking right now:
"I know that! I know the Law of Attraction. But it is not working the way I want it to work. What do I have to do differently?"
Listen to this new Paraliminal, Living the Law of Attraction.
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Paul Scheele created this Paraliminal with Jack Canfield, who is the Law of Attraction personified! He';s one of the superstars of the DVD phenomenon The Secret, and his Chicken Soup for the Soul® series of books has sold almost $2 billion dollars! Isn’t that incredible? Isn’t he the person you want to learn from? Of course!
You'll soon find yourself attracting what you need to make your life better and better. On a deep, inner mind level you will be systematically raising the “vibrational level” of your physical, emotional, and mental energy. Why is this so important?
Because the lower your energy, the more resistance you have, which shows up as blocks, problems, insurmountable challenges, difficult people, inaction, indecision... or things just being out of your reach, or always around the corner...
And the higher your energy the less resistance, which means your success comes easier and quicker and more sure. Just like Jack said on The Secret about reaching the $100,000 level.
That's what happens when you listen to your new Paraliminal.
- Discover an inner blueprint for effortless success.
- Eliminate depressed states of stagnation, illness, and inflexibility.
- Consciously act in a consistent way to create abundant wealth in your life.
- Attract the ideas, attitudes, people, and positive resources you need.
- Clarify your intentions so the actions you take bring you even better results.
Jack is a leading expert in the field of peak performance and the author of The Success Principles™, a practical guide based on 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women. He has helped hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, employees, and educators to accelerate success, achieve dreams, and create joy in their lives.
As you listen you will align spontaneously with the universal laws that bring your goals and dreams into reality. From the first moment, you will begin to live your day the same way that Jack lives his day... as do the most successful and happiest people in the world.
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