Frequently Asked Questions

Activation is the fifth step of the PhotoReading whole mind system and is used to build and enhance conscious awareness of PhotoRead information.
Spontaneous activation occurs when the PhotoReader becomes spontaneously aware of information from PhotoReading without going through the activation step. To increase the likelihood of spontaneous activation, PhotoRead ten books a day for a couple of months and fully activate at least a couple of books each week.
Could I take the seminar and do the self-study?
Absolutely. While both formats present the entire PhotoReading system, there are benefits to doing both. It will not be a waste of time.
Once you take the weekend seminar, take it again. It would be a totally different experience, because you will be there advancing your skills to the next level. PhotoReading graduates may repeat in most cities or attend a live virtual weekend seminar for a $150 tuition.
If you can, repeat with a different instructor so that you get the additional benefit of his/her experience.
Ask for a discount when you want to do both.