Feng Shui is most effective when done in layers
Here's how you'll do it with Diamond Feng Shui:
Jump start your Feng Shui with the Essentials Course
Take advantage of how energy responds to you personally -- both positively and negatively—by using your Personal Energy Number. Experience greater success, better health, stronger relationships, and spiritual growth almost immediately.
You will discover:
- How the universe parses luck and fortune to everyone based on their birthdate and gender.
- What causes you misfortune while a person in similar circumstances experiences fortune.
- The quick-start dos and don'ts of Feng Shui.
- Five steps to direct the highest level of positive energy toward you.
- When opportunity comes knocking, how to make sure you hear the knocks.
- Four directions your desk should never face if you want financial freedom.
Watch the extraordinary DVD that comes with your Essentials course. It was filmed at the Learning Strategies Diamond Feng Shui Retreat. See real people learn Diamond Feng Shui principles and apply them to their lives. Watch as Marie Diamond goes into someone's house and makes changes just like you will do in your own home.
Using information contained in Essentials on their large fashion company, AM from Barcelona, Spain wrote, "I had to change my desk around and paint the warehouse a different color. All of the theft problems stopped, and we are thriving."
Continue with Level One to energize your home and workplace
Further increase fortune for you and for your family and co-workers. Diamond Feng Shui combines classical Feng Shui with 24 aspects of human experience, which Marie calls the Facets of the Diamond. In Level One you enhance the yang Diamond Facets by harnessing the active energy of your environment and reducing misfortune caused by weak, stagnant energy.
- Seven things to be be done in your bedroom when you lack focus at the office or in school.
- What kind of artwork can devastate relationships.
- How to spice up your sex life.
- A personal color to wear that makes you more desirable to any potential romantic partner.
- Which flower can bring romantic interests for women so strong that the energy can even break up a marriage.
- A simple process to eliminate chaotic thoughts and feelings.
- How to use Diamond Feng Shui unconsciously to break an addiction to alcohol, drugs, sugar, or sex.
- What food in the fridge can lead to liver problems.
- What dirty windows have to do with lung problems.
- How to move beyond any fear you may have.
- Where you should never -- under any circumstances -- put a waste basket.
- How to raise the energetic vibration of an entire space or another person in seconds.
- The direction to point your head during sleep when you need to improve your health.
- A Diamond Feng Shui technique for when you've tried different doctors, medicines, and therapies with little long-term benefit.
- One color to resolve unending bickering, complaining, and conflict.
- Where to place a bubbling fountain that can shift the energy when everyone in your home or workplace gets sick.
- What to do when the energy of the city or neighborhood overwhelms your home.
- What wall color weakens your energy.
- One 4-minute task that attracts new people, experiences, and opportunities.
- How to spontaneously let go of possessions, emotions, and thoughts that keep you stuck.
- Five ultra powerful techniques to clear stagnant energy.
- What to do when you sense you have a ghost in your space.
- The most important thing to do when no one expresses interest in a building you want to sell or rent.
- How to sweep away communication problems.
- One place in your home where you should never place family pictures.
- How to use a flashlight to analyze the flow of Qi through your home.
- How to deal with the negative energy created in narrow hallways.
- How beams and low ceilings break up relationships, cause problems with the body, and diminish focus—along with four ways to fix the problem.
- How to deal with bathrooms that drain valuable and useful energy.
- Ten things that when done once will provide joy long into the future.
- Which occupation will earn you more money and more respect.
- How to make sure the flow of water in front of your home builds your personal wealth (it may be draining it right now).
- How to sell your home at a great profit.
- How to receive awards, get compliments for your work, change careers, get promoted, and earn more money.
- Changes in your space to unconsciously help you lose weight.
- How to cure the harmful influences of stairways, especially spiral staircases that pull positive Qi from the home and drains relationships and money.
"Since I moved with my partner into a new home, passion drained from our romantic life. We made one Diamond Feng Shui change and the romance instantly changed. Now I'm making changes for my career." Client who wants to remain anonymous
Continue with Level Two for quicker manifestation
Next use receptive energy to balance the active energy you worked with in Level One by enhancing the yin Diamond Facets. Expand your awareness of energy and quicken manifestation of what you desire.
What you experience by doing Level One is nothing short of transformative. For quicker results upfront that stick around for the long term, you need to balance the energy.
In Level One you deal with the active male energy called yang. But you need both yin and yang. That's the way the universe works. In Level Two you bring in this important aspect, and the results can be stunning.
The Energy Facets DVD that comes with Level Two ties together everything you learn in Level One with Level Two to make sure you understand it with the least amount of effort. As with all three DVDs in the course, you not only experience Marie in the Learning Strategies Diamond Feng Shui Retreat, but you follow Marie into real homes where you see her applying this vast body of knowledge.
- In what area of your home you should never, under any circumstances, light a candle.
- How to love yourself and release judgment.
- Why some artwork -- even the most critically acclaimed -- never belongs in your home or workplace.
- What damaging consequences occur when you can see a mirror from your bed.
- What some people put in bathrooms that should be removed immediately.
- How Diamond Feng Shui can help you get your business records in order and your taxes finished.
- How to guide the energy created by a computer to support your financial success.
- When you should not have dirty clothes on the floor of your laundry room.
- Why painting your front door red may be detrimental to your health.
- How to purge your home or workplace of emotional fields from past inhabitants.
- How to protect yourself from dishonest people.
- One simple thing can you do to increase the effectiveness of your meditation.
- How to turn your sex life from "still water" into a "waterfall."
- How to feel more connected to heaven.
- What color can turn you into a money magnet.
- Why monochromatic colors can deteriorate your financial success.
- How to let go of past lovers.
- How to automatically make room for more happiness and fulfillment in your life.
- What you can put near the dining room table to liven up bland conversation.
- How to use Diamond Feng Shui to become a New York Times bestselling author.
- What every bride should wear during her wedding to ensure a long marriage.
- Why a mirror is vital for a dining room.
- How to double the positive effects with what you do with Feng Shui.
- Why you should never ever have dried flowers in your home.
- How to get co-workers to enthusiastically share your workload.
- Where should you put inspirational or spiritual images in your home and why the bedroom is not a good idea.
- How to feel and look younger in your body and spirit.
- How to spontaneously use energy to change the way you think, feel, and act.
...and finally:
Surge ahead with the Energy Stars in Level Three
Investigate an exceedingly powerful energy that establishes itself in your home or workplace as Abundance Stars and Disaster Stars. Use Diamond Time Feng Shui to prevail over 20-year, one-year, and one-month cycles of energy so that you will always be in the right place at the right time.
In Essentials you work to enhance the flow of your own energy. In Levels One and Two you work with the energy in your home and workplace so that it flows in your favor. In Level Three you get into an entirely different realm of Feng Shui energy that twists and turns with time.
Time Feng Shui is the most powerful, but you really can't do much with it until you've massaged your personal energy and the energy of your home and workplace. That's why it is step three in the Diamond Feng Shui system.
With Level Three you will learn all about the positive and negative energy stars that are ruling until February 3, 2044. These operate in a 20-year cycle.
We're also going to give you information about the stars that come this year, plus we will give you what happened last year so you can look back and understand why the year might have been a very good year, a lousy year, or something in between.
On top of all of that—as if that is not enough—you receive a one-year subscription to information about the stars that change each month. They tell you the best times for being away on vacation so that you travel during the worst times for your house ... or starting a new project at work to take advantage of super-strong positive energy ... or taking extra vitamin C when illness energy is the strongest ... or holding a family reunion (or joining a dating service) when relationship energy is peaking ...
Levels One and Two will make your life better. Level Three will make your life extraordinary.
"We were on the edge of divorce when we learned about Conflict Stars. We had one in our bedroom, and we learned that everyone who had lived in the place before got divorced. We moved into a bedroom without the Conflict Star and we became great lovers again!" MPV in Belgium
- How to switch on the energy of the Power, Abundance, and Relationship Stars.
- How to cure the impact of the Illness and Conflict Stars.
- How to diminish the effects of the Disaster Star, which is nearly impossible to cure.
- Three things to do if an Illness Star falls in your bedroom or living room during the year.
- What to look for when buying a new home and what to absolutely avoid.
- What happens to a building's energy when you paint the exterior.
- Why light attracts positive energy and how to use this to your advantage.
- What color of flowers should never be sent to a hospital room.
- Why a natural disaster might affect your neighbors' homes but not yours.
- What is a "White Star Number 6" and what does it have to do with unexpected windfalls from an inheritance?
- And so much more...
I bet you have never come across a program as thorough, complete—fascinating, intriguing—and transformative as Diamond Feng Shui. It's phenomenal. Thousands of hours went into this program to make Feng Shui work for you with the least amount of effort.
Plus, you get $510 in free bonus gifts to enhance your experience with Diamond Feng Shui.
Bonus #1: Five one-hour group Q&A MP3 audio sessions with Marie ($198 value)
Get MP3 recordings of the five best Q&A audio sessions with Marie Diamond! While you may not have any questions yourself, the questions of others will help you take your work with Feng Shui to higher and higher levels. You'll learn new ways to fix problem areas and hear what might be working extraordinarily well for people given the current state of the energy.
* Must have email address to receive bonus.
Bonus #2: Marie Diamond’s Law of Attraction Meditation ($28 value)
As one of the most interesting teachers on the mega hit, The Secret, Marie is a Law of Attraction expert. You will receive this unique meditation to put more energy behind the Law of Attraction. It is a powerful tool to generate real, positive results. You will be able to easily download this recording on the Internet for playing on your computer, iPod, or any other mp3 player. You can even burn it to a CD. * Must have email address to receive this bonus.
Bonus #3: Two Special Reports ($58 value)
You receive a very special report on the very most asked about topic related to Feng Shui… How to buy and sell homes. We’ve gathered together Marie’s wisdom on this in a downloadable PDF document that you can read online or print. Plus there’s a second PDF report on what your less good directions mean for you and how to manage them for your highest good. Clients love this information!
Bonus #4: Color Charts for Diamond Time Feng Shui ($98 value)
Through the use of color you can attract more abundance in your life. When you paint and decorate your home or workplace according to the principles of Diamond Time Feng Shui you take advantage of a strong, dynamic energy. You receive 32 of Marie’s exclusive charts to determine exactly which colors you should (or shouldn’t!) use in every area of your home or office. You will be able to easily download these charts in a PDF file. * Must have email address to receive this bonus.
Bonus #5: Twelve Months of Diamond Time Feng Shui ($98 value)
This information is like getting twelve bonus courses that focus on the monthly Time Feng Shui. Much of it is exclusive to Diamond Feng Shui. You will get:
- Simple charts that show where the monthly Illness, Disaster, Conflict, Violence, Abundance, Relationships, and Fame Stars accumulate energy each month in your home or workplace.
- Instruction from Marie telling you the specific cures and activations you will want to get in place each month. These are based on how the monthly Stars relate to the yearly Stars. It might seem complicated now, but Marie has a way of making everything come together beautifully. Is this knowledge important? You tell me. Suppose a monthly Abundance Star lines up with a yearly Abundance Star. Don’t you suppose this would be a great time to ask for a raise, sign a new contract, start a new business? Similarly, if the Illness Stars lined up, wouldn’t you want to make sure you have plenty of Vitamin C on hand? If the Disaster Stars lined up you probably would not want to fix the roof or trim the trees. This is serious stuff.
- How the Stars affect your own energy based on your Personal Energy Number. We talked about your Personal Energy Number earlier. No other Feng Shui master makes this available to their students. But we’ve convinced Marie to share this information, and you receive one-year’s worth with the course. This will help you take full advantage of energy that comes and goes with time.
Bonus #6: Free coaching on a lively Discussion Forum
When you order your Diamond Feng Shui course you will gain access to our online Discussion Forum where you can compare notes with others, get questions answered by Diamond Feng Shui experts, and share your successes.
Bonus #7: Quarterly Newsletter and CD ($30 value)
We have Diamond Feng Shui stories so fantastic and unbelievable that we would lose all credibility if we told you about them here. But once you start seeing results show up in your life, you will begin to believe the awesome power of the universe. It is for you that we write the Diamond Feng Shui newsletters filled with real stories of the phenomenal possibilities.
When you read the stories and listen to the exclusive CD that comes with the newsletter, you'll be motivated and inspired to take your Diamond Feng Shui more seriously to create more fortune for yourself and your family.
You'll receive a subscription to the Diamond Feng Shui newsletter and your first issue will be free. Then we'll continue to send you the newsletter and CD quarterly, charging your card at the special price of $29.80 per issue. Of course, you can cancel at any time by simply calling or sending us an email—even after you've received the newsletter.
You'll get: What worked and what didn't work. What got superfast immediate results and what generated subtler results. You'll hear Marie Diamond go deeper into various aspects of Diamond Feng Shui so that the energy flows with you, not against you.
Best Feng Shui is layered Feng Shui. In other words, do something today that will improve your Feng Shui. Then something tomorrow. Then next week and next month. You'll find it building on itself generating more supportive energy and stronger protective energy. Your newsletter and CD will help you build successful layer upon successful layer of good energy. You might even think the newsletter is the best part of the course!
30-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee
This stuff is for real, but you don't have to take my word for it. Try it out for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied with your experience, send the course back for a refund! I'm convinced you will find value from the very first CD, and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that your life will be transformed as you use what is in this breakthrough course.
Classic Feng Shui can be horribly complicated, but Marie has done all of the calculations and worked all of the complex formulas for you, and we've worked diligently, using every trick we know, to make it easy for you. We've found what we believe to be the best way to alter the energy in your home and workplace in a manner that supports your hopes and dreams.
What you need to do today...
Having been through all courses multiple times myself, I know you will get stunning results.
- Essentials deals with your personal energy and how to position yourself in the world.
- Level One and Level Two deal with the energy in your home or workplace. (The first works with the active yang energy, and the second works with the receptive yin energy -- you need them both for long-lasting results.)
- Level Three deals with the energy that comes and goes with time.
You're getting the best in Feng Shui. I've read a lot of books on Feng Shui, but they were either superficial or too complex. And the advice in one book often conflicted with the advice in another book!
Now, I am absolutely certain that Diamond Feng Shui is the only way to go. Some of Marie's advice conflicts with other so-called experts, but to that I say two things: 1) when used in the context of the entire system, Marie's advice on any particular issue is the best, and, 2) Marie has the gift to see the energy flow, which means she can see exactly how Diamond Feng Shui will work for you.
Soon you'll be writing me with your success stories. Get your personal copy of the Diamond Feng Shui Course for results and benefits that will serve you for a lifetime.
For your personal best,

Pete Bissonette
P.S. Right after using Diamond Feng Shui, an unexpected gift of $50,000 came to Sandy Bond, which she used to pay off her debt. New clients began contacting her as well as others who wanted to support her new business. "I believe that Diamond Feng Shui has made a huge difference to being financially successful and happy."
P.P.S. Diamond Feng Shui is a revolutionary approach to Feng Shui that works extraordinarily well in today's world. We put it together for you in a way that is straight-forward, easy-to-learn, and fun. Use it to see great leaps and wonderful transformation in the four main areas of your life: success, relationships, health, and spiritual growth. Your course comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, but we know you will see results within nine days!