Year of Abundance with Paul Scheele

Watch this video:

Dr. Paul Scheele Video: Create anything you want – once you understand the basics.

Welcome to
Your Year of Abundance!

Abundance and prosperity is living in the flow of energy and power… so you can create the life you choose… without limitation... and live it day in and day out with complete satisfaction.

Abundance and prosperity can make life easier, more enjoyable, and more rewarding. Just pause right now and think of what you’d like to create. Really imagine it. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?!

Your Year of Abundance is a wholistically-grounded wealth-making event that can help bring you anything, including the outward prosperity of things such as a beautiful home, a new car, or amazing vacations.

It can also help you create a spiritually complete lifestyle of truth, beauty, freedom, and love.

This all-encompassing program comes from the mind and heart of Dr. Paul R. Scheele, co-founder of Learning Strategies, to help you rewrite the script of your life to give you overflowing abundance and prosperity.

No matter what you desire for yourself, your Year of Abundance is designed to:

  • break the trances that have limited the expression of your power
  • create the vision of the life you want for yourself
  • manifest your vision as you choose to have it
  • live the most amazing life as expansion, light, and harmony

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Your Mentor, Paul R. Scheele, PhD

PaulPaul has been fascinated by the workings of the inner mind all of his life. This led him to co-found Learning Strategies in 1981 with the vision of a world where people experience their fullest potential.

His professional accomplishments have been immense. I’m not just talking about the amazing programs he created such as the Paraliminals, Abundance for Life, Future Mapping, and Clear Mind/Bright Future, although it all is very impressive.

I’m talking about the impact he’s had on millions upon millions of people who have used his programs to live better lives.

The Year of Abundance brings it all together in ways that we hope will surprise and delight you.

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Wide-Angle Overview

Live Kick-Off Event

Everyone will gather with Paul for a 60- to 90-minute kick-off event on Zoom. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. Central Time on Wednesday, September 20.

3 Live Weekend Seminars with Dr. Paul Scheele

You will have three full-weekend immersions to speed up your proficiency and skill at every aspect of creating sustainable abundance.

These weekends will help make sure:

  1. you are never intimidated or blocked by life circumstances or that voice in the back of your head…
  2. you can create a clear vision with less stress and greater ease…
  3. you can manifest your vision and live it long into the future.

Weekend #1 - October 21 and 22, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. US Central Time
(on Zoom)

You will focus on breaking the trances that are messing with your abundance

Weekend #2 – January 13 and 14, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. US Central Time
(on Zoom)

You will focus on making wealth, building abundance

Weekend #3 – April 13 and 14, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. US Central Time
(on Zoom)

You will focus on having everything you learned and experienced be an ongoing part of your life, so that living abundance becomes as effortless as breathing and joyous as a beautiful waterfall.

5 Live Booster Sessions with Dr. Paul Scheele

Paul will host monthly Booster Sessions through your Year of Abundance. These 60- to 90- sessions begin at 6:00 p.m. Central Time on these dates:

November 22 – The Miracle Question

December 20 – Clarifying and Declaring Your Intentions for 2024

February 28 – Confronting Resistance

March 27 – The Nature Principle & Self-Healing

May 22 – Following Through

Group Coaching and Q&A Sessions

Coaching sessions will be hosted by Millicent St. Claire and Tom Kavanaugh.

November 28
December 5
January 2
January 23
February 6 – this session will be at 4:00 p.m. US Central Time
February 20
March 5
March 19
April 2
April 23
May 7
June 4
June 18

Coaching sessions are Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. US Central Time and will last up to 60 minutes.

Millicent St. Claire is a Master PhotoReading Instructor having first been trained as an instructor in 2002. She also has certifications in Accelerated Learning, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, HeartMath, and Laughter Yoga. She developed the LIGMO Resiliency Coaching Program.

Tom Kavanaugh is a certified PhotoReading Instructor. He is also a trainer of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming Timeline Technique and Hypnotherapy as well as a Master Trainer of Mind Mapping. Tom created The R.E.L.E.A.S.E. Method, a multi-faceted protocol to release the symptoms and effects of Post Traumatic Stress.

Using Paraliminals for On-Going Support

Para 5 stackPaul has selected five Paraliminals to use for each month, giving you an extra dose of effortlessness and thorough nonconscious integration.

If you don’t have the Paraliminals, when you enroll you will find them in your online digital Library to use during your Year of Abundance. If you find it easier, you will also have access to our brand-new MINDTRX app.

Use of the Paraliminals is optional, just as adding chocolate chips is optional when baking cookies. Paul personally recommends them.

Here are the monthly themes of what Paul is calling the Paraliminal Breakthrough Sequence:

October - Growth & Learning

November - Insight & Guidance

December ­- Connecting to the Future

January - Stepping into New Life

February - Persistent Achievement

March - Robust Health & Well-Being

April - Living Whole-Heartedly

May - Following Through and Consistent Achievement

The Basics of Abundance

When you enroll today you will have immediate access to Paul’s Abundance for Life course through our online digital Library for the duration of your Year of Abundance. Feel free to review those audio sessions beginning now to build momentum.

This bonus resource is about learning the basics to prime your mind for the amazing experiences you will have during your Year of Abundance.

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How to Enroll

Year of Abundance
Buy Now!
It's Risk Free!

As you might expect, enrolling is easy. Simply click above to enroll for 12 monthly payments of $200. Further details will be emailed to you including what you can be doing right now to get ready for your grand experiences.

If you are not able to attend the virtual sessions live, you will be able to use the recordings in your online digital Library.

If you have questions or if would you prefer to enroll over the telephone, please call us at 1-952-767-9800 during business hours in the Central Time zone.

Satisfaction Guarantee

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your experience of your Year of Abundance, you may receive a full refund of what you paid. You must let us know by November 21. There will be no refunds after that date.

In other words, you have a month after the first weekend seminar to request a refund. From that point forward you are fully committed to your abundance.

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Why Your Year of Abundance

We’re calling it your Year of Abundance because it easily encompasses anything you want for yourself.

But be very clear, you can rename it as you wish. It could be your Year of Financial Prosperity.  Or, your Year of Mad Passionate Love.  Or, your Year of Perfect Health. Or, your Year of Awakening.

Why do the Year of Abundance?

  • To wire in a system of creating abundance and prosperity so every aspect of it becomes second nature for you.
  • To use the vast internal, inner mind resources that you already have.
  • To live a life of peak performance, of breakthroughs, of experiencing the best life has to offer.
  • To create, invent, discover, design, dream up, originate, devise, and manifest all you desire.
  • Amplify your intuition and access to the wisdom of the universe.
  • Catapult yourself into a bright future.

"I don’t know if you know this, but the strategies Paul Scheele and I used to create Learning Strategies and guide it through the decades are the foundation of your Year of Abundance," said Pete Bissonette, president of Learning Strategies.

The best part is that your Year of Abundance incorporates our real-life experiences, the programs we’ve developed through the years, and all of Paul’s growing wisdom and insight. It is truly the best.

And, in truth, you are truly the best. You deserve to live a life of abundance (including Financial Prosperity, Mad Passionate Love, Perfect Health, and Awakening).

We realize the time and financial commitment of the Year of Abundance is significant, but we also know that the benefits to you can be even more significant. Commit today. Say, “Yes, I want to live my full potential.”

We cannot wait to hear about the gains and the successes of this coming year.