Paraliminal Mini Retreat with Paul Scheele

Join Paul Scheele's Paraliminal Retreat from Your Home via Zoom

Check out the first 3 hours FREE!

Click here to watch the recordings.

And, yes, you will experience Paul’s legendary performance of a live Paraliminal!!

"Inner Magic – Outer Miracles"
December 8-10, 2023
Live via Zoom

This is the sixth year that Paul Scheele will host a Paraliminal-based weekend retreat, and he is calling it "Inner Magic – Outer Miracles."

Paul will guide you to create an ongoing stream of breakthroughs using the magic of your inner mind to make miracles a reality for you.

What do you want?

“I want to lead the new division that my company is opening.”
“I want to create paintings that will be displayed in galleries.”
“I want to find what’s next for me.”
“I want to start a family.”
“I want to start an online business.”
“I want to franchise my business across the country.”
“I want to take eight weeks of vacation next year.”
“I want to advance from associate professor to full professor at my college.”
“I want to write a series of children’s books.”
“I want to win the engineering design competition at my company.”
“I want to be offered a partnership at my firm.”

What are you wanting to bring into the world? What might be just out of reach? What holds life-altering potential for you?

If you know what you want, Paul will help you guide your nonconscious mind for it to happen.

No doubt about it.

And, if you are not so sure and want a dose of clarity, you’ll get it in the three days with Paul.

Paul will bring to you his wisdom and expertise along with LIVE Paraliminal experiences. Have you ever experienced a LIVE Paraliminal?

You are probably already familiar with Paraliminals and the multiple voices speaking to different parts of your brain. At your "Inner Magic – Outer Miracles" retreat you and your fellow participants will be listening to Paraliminals while Paul speaks a “third voice” LIVE. This will help activate your inner mind so that you integrate everything you learn and propel you into your stream of miracles.

And that’s just one aspect of your retreat.

Paul Scheele

Certainly, we’ve all experienced miracles in our lives, even the unexpected. What if miracles could be ongoing! Tapping the magic of your inner mind can make that happen. And using our Miracle Mindset Paraliminal, which is part of Paul’s weekend retreat, can speed it up.

What dream do you have? What miracle would you like to create? Now’s the time.

This is Paul’s eighth Paraliminal Retreat, each with differing themes. They were here in Minnesota, Australia, and Europe. This is the fourth virtual retreat, which means you can experience it from the intimacy of your home.

Many of our past virtual retreats have been filmed with five cameras, where you see everything going on in the room. This one feels like it is just you and Paul. It is like he is talking and guiding and inspiring and motivating just you. Very cool.

Here’s what Paul says:

There are mini-sessions throughout the retreat that illuminate your gifts and talents and allow your nonconscious mind to reveal an emerging energy tagged with possibility.

We capture that in the Paraliminals. This leads to deep changework throughout the retreat.

As you sit with headphones, ready for a Paraliminal session, you set your intention, close your eyes, and relax.

As your brain is vibrating at such a deep level of learning and change, I added a“third voice” to each Paraliminal that brings you the biggest value of all.

Not only will you hear two versions of me in the headphones from the recording, but I brought in a third version. This version is one that ties each Paraliminal to each other so that as you go through the nine sessions, they stitch together like multiple engines on a train working to bring you to your destination.

The retreat is a Paraliminal come to life.

You already appreciate the power of the Paraliminals in guiding your nonconscious mind. Now they become supercharged with me working for you to achieve your dreams.

You will not have to study anything. You will not have to learn theories. Come with an important goal or intention, relax, and bask in the experience. When the retreat is completed, you reintegrate into your life with a refreshing new outlook, knowing you are a new person ready for a new set of experiences.

“As result of attending the Paraliminal retreat, I was able to remove obstacles, while also gaining renewed energy toward reaching my desired outcomes.” M. Sands, Lorton, Virginia


A mini-retreat with all of the benefits
of a full retreat

“The Paraliminals make it possible to get all of the benefits of a week-long retreat in simply three days,” said Paul.

You will learn more effective ways to use Paraliminals on your own … but, the retreat with Paul is something else … something powerful.

What you will experience will weave through your entire life, supporting you in ways you may not have considered.

Not only do you see immediate results from fully recharging your brain, body, and emotions, you also see how the magic of Paraliminal technology generates the up-leveling of your life.

You will know you cannot fail, you can only win.

And that’s what this retreat becomes for you. A living, breathing bridge to help you create miracles.

"I am at a major transition in my life without a new road map and knew that attending would give me a lot of direction and guidance, which it did....I think we all just wished it didn't have to end so soon.” - JC, San Diego, California

Relax, Transform, Achieve
Dates, Tuition, & Guarantee

Friday, December 8 through Sunday, December 10
10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. US Central Time each day

Tuition is $880. Save $200 if you attended one of our seven prior Paraliminal Retreats.

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed

“After the retreat I immediately found myself taking more action towards my goal. I was initiating conversations with people, being more confident with people, and being more calm in stressful social situations. I will definitely come back for the next one.”
— Kenneth Kuo from Schaumburg, Illinois