Stewart Emery

Stewart EmeryStewart Emery worked hand-in-hand with Paul to create the Success Built to Last Paraliminal. Stewart is co-author of the best-selling book by the same name, Success Built to Last and is considered one of the fathers of the Human Potential Movement. He co-founded Actualizations, led seminars in dozens of countries, and coached over 12,000 people in the last three decades.

An internationally acclaimed educator, author, world-class speaker, and in-demand expert on the psychology of greatness, Stewart Emery has devoted his life to the study of human potential.

Since the 1970s Stewart has been a force to be reckoned with in the self-help industry, especially in the area that relates with leadership, performance, and self-improvement. Over the last 15 years Stewart has led thousands of employees and hundreds of managers around the world through Vision/Values/Strategy/Leadership initiatives.

Stewart’s curiosity and insight into business cultures and what is required to achieve greatness has often led to remarkable outcomes. He was responsible for connecting the core team of people to create the Barnes & Noble Nook in an astonishingly brief twelve month period (a serendipitous event that may have saved the company).

Aside from work, Stewart’s portfolio of passions also includes aviation (he and his wife Joan are both instrument rated pilots and fly a Beechcraft Bonanza), jazz, Baroque music, travel, technology, and coffee. Originally from Sydney, Australia, Stewart lives by the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife Joan.

Stewart a member of the Transformational Leadership Council.