Brand-New for 2022 Paraliminals

Stimulate your nonconscious mind in impressively useful ways!

No self-help tool is easier to use or gets better results than the relaxing Paraliminals, the keys to unlocking the great resources of your mind. Our #1 goal is to help you get better at living life, and these five Paraliminals are going to be your new favorites!

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2022 Five New Paraliminals (CD)
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Active Listening, Happy Money, Finding Yourself, Self-Actualization, and Joy View shipping cost and time

2022 Five New Paraliminals (Digital)
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Active Listening, Happy Money, Finding Yourself, Self-Actualization, and Joy

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Here's information about each one:

New Paraliminal #1:
Active Listening
Clearly understand what others say

It really is a Superpower. To automatically connect and interact authentically with every person whether socially, at work, or out and about.

In our world full of noise and distractions your brain wants to tune out. It is mega easy not to “hear” what a person right in front of you just said. But thanks to this Paraliminal, you can train your nonconscious mind to help you be a better and more focused listener.

And it can even help you engage people with whom you have had conflicts or difficult communications, as well as people you simply disagree with. Our world is a bit polarized now, and it seems easy to get into a conversation with someone who pushes your buttons. This Paraliminal can even help your discourse with them.

With Active Listening you will be able to:

  • Observe, sense, and perceive the intent of what is said.
  • Unleash a natural curiosity to learn from others.
  • Create a deep rapport with others so they become interested in what you have to say and can hear you more effectively.
  • Show respect and kindness to those you engage with so they know you care about them and what is important.
  • Release or ignore distractions, and listen only to the person talking to you.
  • Patiently attend to the words being spoken without judgment or the need to speak.
  • Listen equally well to all persons regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, or position in life.
  • Resist making the interaction about you or drawing the focus and attention to yourself.

New Paraliminal #2:
Happy Money
Receive, enjoy, and trust the flow of money

Your view of money reflects your view of life.

When money brings up scarcity emotions, scarcity rules your life. When you pay your bills with joy in your heart, joy rules your life.

Shift how you look at money (which will happen when you use this new Paraliminal) and everything in your life can change, from your effectiveness at work to your intimate relationships at home… from your health and well-being to your spiritual growth.

Where does the name Happy Money come from?

People often mistake more money for more happiness. In Zen philosophy, happiness and abundance are found when you are satisfied with what you have and remain open to receiving and sharing more of the abundance available to you.

When you grow your “money reservoir” while also being 100 percent satisfied with wherever you are right now, this feeling of contentment miraculously brings to you what is called “Happy Money,” explains Ken Honda in his best-selling book Happy Money.

Ken co-created the Happy Money Paraliminal with Paul Scheele. Ken is the author of more than 60 best-selling books in Japan on life work, life balance, wealth, and happiness. He is a wealthy financial specialist who owns and manages numerous businesses, including an accounting company, management consulting firm, and a venture capital corporation. He hosts one of the most downloaded podcasts in Japan.

Ken and Paul will use the Happy Money principles to guide your nonconscious mind to shift your view of money. As a result, you will:

  • Be curiously receptive to an abundant flow of money in your life.
  • Experience contentment with whatever you have now, making it easier to grow your prosperity.
  • Become aware of the ever-present field of energy and consciousness that supports you.
  • Attract meaningful opportunities.
  • Contribute to others in ways that escalate your happiness and well-being.
  • Become a magnet for the people and things you care for deeply.
  • Invite luck into your life as you pursue your dreams.
  • Be confident in taking courageous actions.
  • Feel safe, trusting things will always turn out for the best.

HERE’S THE BIGGEST THING: You will no longer begrudgingly pay a bill. Even if it’s a traffic ticket, you will pay it with happiness in your heart. Even if the restaurant meal was lousy, paying the check will nourish you. Even if the bag of groceries is over $100, you will feel a positive flow of abundance in your life.

Your view of money will shift, and the negative feelings about money will drop, making you happier and making it so much easier to attract full-on prosperity.

New Paraliminal #3:
Finding Yourself
Live a life of purpose and meaning

This Paraliminal will lead you to access the wisdom of your higher intelligence to live your life on purpose and with deep meaning.

You’ll find yourself easily and effectively investing your energy into what fuels your passions each day.

Those two sentences say it all.

Some of the additional benefits:

  • Be fully present in each moment, prepared to choose your bright future.
  • Strengthen your ability to care for yourself and important people in your life.
  • Unleash energies for greatness.
  • Live in flow and in love.
  • Recognize your passions and strengths. AND ENJOY THEM.
  • Experience new confidence.
  • Sustain a deep sense of inner knowing.
  • Trust yourself to do what matters most.

When you think about who you have become through a lifetime of thoughts, emotions, and actions, do you feel you are living according to your soul’s purpose?

Using the Finding Yourself Paraliminal will refine your attention and energy flow as you live with your heart wide open to your highest calling.

New Paraliminal #4:
Live each day as the best version of yourself

This Paraliminal will help you create peak experiences that allow you to align with the best version of yourself… experience transcendence beyond your perceived limits… and make a significant positive contribution to humanity.


As a result, you will begin to:

  • Be true to yourself.
  • Accept your own and others’ flaws with humor and tolerance.
  • Enjoy feeling independent and resourceful.
  • Exude gratitude and deep appreciation.
  • Discern what is real.
  • Confidently form your own opinions about what truly matters.
  • Live wholeheartedly devoted to a purpose greater than your personal goals.
  • Act and view yourself congruently with the desire you have for living your best life.
  • Trust the infinite intelligence flowing through you as your inner guide.

You’ll find these life renewing thoughts streaming through your mind and your heart:

  • I maintain a fresh appreciation for the basic good of life with awe, pleasure, and wonder.
  • I accept myself, including all of my unique characteristics, with unconditional positive self-regard.
  • I ride life’s ups and downs with an increasing sense of composure, grace, acceptance, and emotional stability.
  • I seek the truth about life, nature, and people.
  • I have a genuine desire to make the world a better place for all life.
  • I have good intuition that lets me know, deep down, what is the right thing to do.
  • I have a creative spirit that expresses through me in everything I do.

Bonus: New Paraliminal #5:
Feel love, peace, and joy toward yourself and your world

Paul’s new Joy Paraliminal will help release the spirit of joy that innately resides within you. It is already there. You simply need to be aware of it and amplify it.

Besides aiding in healing, joy helps you gain a clear perspective on the life you choose to create. The more clarity you have, the better.

Plus, you’ll receive these benefits:

  • Connect to your creative power.
  • Feel love and joy toward yourself and the world around you every day.
  • Fully express your passion and enthusiasm for all you choose to accomplish.
  • Engage everyone with an open and joyful heart.
  • Greet the hassles of any busy day with a positive expectation.
  • Create a feeling of inner ecstasy.
  • Find peace of mind amid stressful events.

A BOLD STATEMENT: Anything less than joy in your life points to an error in how you think and how you live. It is a faulty conclusion about who you really are and can easily cause you to shrink back out of fear or self- consciousness. “What will people think of me?” “What if I fail?”

As a result, you take yourself out of life’s great potential. But when you can remember—and feel—the ever- expanding capacity of joy all of the time, you can live wholeheartedly into the expression of your passions.