Listen to Ideal Weight and you will lose weight immediately

This CD works on a simple and unique principle:

All bodies, including yours, give natural signals that say when to start eating, when to stop eating, and which foods to eat. For some reason, people who are overweight are either unable to notice these signals or unable to respond to them.

No more. Thanks to Paul Scheele’s Ideal Weight Paraliminal CD.

After the first eight days, listen to both sessions only once a week until you have reached your ideal weight. Once you are at your ideal weight, you will maintain it naturally as you enjoy a near perfect balance in your diet.

Ideal Weight even helps programs such as Weight Watchers work better! If you are on a special diet or if you are using special pills or supplements, Ideal Weight helps there too.

The best part is that the CD is only $30, has a 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can receive FREE coaching if you need help for any reason-you absolutely owe it to yourself to try Ideal Weight today.

Absolutely say good-bye to the roller coaster of dieting forever. Order here on our secure website. We will ship the CD via first class mail. You will receive it in just a few days. Then, begin listening for 20 minutes a day for eight days-that’s right, just eight days.

You will be able to enjoy great foods without putting on weight. But let’s be realistic. After all, life’s stresses may tempt you to begin overeating in the future. Studies show that some people gain weight because of divorce, job loss, accidents, and other personal tragedies. Never fear: just pull the CD out and listen a few times for reinforcement.

This CD talks to your inner mind. Let your inner, subconscious mind be your ally. Let it work for you to keep your body healthy and at your ideal weight. Maybe you are now overweight, because of what is currently going on in your inner mind. Quit sabotaging yourself. Take care of it once and for all.

Order this remarkable CD right now. You will be glad you did.

Ideal Weight (CD)
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SPECIAL OFFER: Select a fourth Paraliminal CD free when you purchase any three. View shipping cost and time

If you have struggled unsuccessfully with weight issues for years, you may want to re-evaluate what is going on in your life.

Additional Paraliminal recordings can be exceedingly helpful to you.

If you have guilt or self-esteem problems about yourself or your body, listen to the Self-Esteem Supercharger. It can help you recognize your personal power even when others try to put you down.
Self-Esteem Supercharger (CD)
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SPECIAL OFFER: Select a fourth Paraliminal CD free when you purchase any three. View shipping cost and time

If you have strong behavioral problems around eating, get the New Behavior Generator. It also helps you develop new ways of dealing with negative situations so that you can achieve your goals.
New Behavior Generator CD
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SPECIAL OFFER: Select a fourth Paraliminal CD free when you purchase any three. View shipping cost and time

If you often use food to cope with anxiety, the Anxiety- Free recording can be beneficial.
Anxiety-Free (CD)
SPECIAL OFFER: Select a fourth Paraliminal CD free when you purchase any three. View shipping cost and time