There are many benefits for you to take PhotoReading now

If you did nothing but attended the classes, you'll open your mind to the greater possibilities. You may ask yourself, "If PhotoReading is possible, what else is possible? What else can I use my powerful inner mind to do?"

If you just listen to the recordings, you will deepen relaxation, stimulate motivation (even for cleaning the garage!), and study, read, and learn in a relaxed, fun, and positive way. You even enhance your memory, not only for reading but for everything: where you put your car keys, names and faces, things you've read before.

If you play the peripheral and internal awareness games you'll strengthen concentration, increase the use of your intuitive processes, be able to respond effectively to challenges, and learn new ways to recall information. Right now to remember something you probably just think and X!&$? (grunt)—there are other ways. And you learn to respond effectively to challenges—pop tests, angry clients, surprise meetings, etc.

If you use the accelerative learning states you'll be able to reduce stress, focus on the task at hand, and maintain relaxed alertness all day. One of the reasons a division of 3M and the State of Minnesota brought us in was stress management—PhotoReading was a back door way of teaching stress management.

By PhotoReading you will be able to absorb information rather rapidly. You'll extract key concepts quickly. We'll teach you how to pull the core concepts from a book in ten or so minutes or from a magazine article in 20-30 seconds. And if you don't reduce the amount of time you spend reading, you'll be getting a lot more done in the same amount of time.

By using the whole mind reading system you will employ alternative reading methods, read in a demanding and purposeful manner, increase creativity and problem solving, stay on top of current reading, read books you've purchased but never gotten to finish, and build confidence in handling printed information. No more will big words, small print, thick books, and the ticking clock intimidate you. If you only have three minutes, you will be able to get a heck of a lot done. It is amazing how productive you can be with little or no effort.

Do in one hour what it takes others 12 hours to do

The PhotoReading whole mind system is not a replacement for regular reading. It is an enhancement. Another set of skills to add to your repertoire, or weapons to add to your arsenal. There are times when you will want to regularly read—or analytically read. But you want to create that happy balance. We will help you in the class to determine when to analytically read and when to use the whole mind system. When you get this happy balance, you'll become an active, purposeful, questioning reader. You will be able to stick in your thumb and pull out the plum of whatever it is you are reading.

One of our goals is to get you to read as you would grocery shop

Have you ever gone grocery shopping? When you want a can of plums, what do you do? Do you, "A," start at the front of the store and pick up every single fruit and vegetable in the fruit and vegetable section, every spice in the spice rack, every soup in the soup aisle, every snack in the snack aisle, until you come to the can of plums?

Or do you, "B," walk into the store, build a general awareness of the store, walk up to the can of plums, pick it up, and walk out maybe taking a couple other things with you?

"B." Of course. And that is how you should read.

It is ridiculous to think that if you want something from a book, you have to start at the beginning of a book and put every single word in and out of your conscious mind until you come to something useful. Most of the words have nothing to do with what you want to get out of the book. Only 7-11% of the words on the printed page have anything to do with the meaning. The next question is which 7-11% and how do you find them?!

Are you going to read each word and then determine which is of value. Or are you going to PhotoRead the information into your more powerful nonconscious mind which is bubbling away at 20,000 pieces of information at a time?

Back in 1985 when we were developing PhotoReading, Business Week said that by 1990 the average professional will have to read 10 times as much information just to stay current. The spooky news is that 1990 has come and 1990 has gone and the deluge of information continues.

How you are handling it? By using reading skills you learned in kindergarten and first grade. These are elementary reading skills. Chances are you have grown up, but has your reading? No.

You now have much greater amounts of information to read, and it is more important to you. It is time to grow up and learn advanced reading strategies so that you can approach any type of material, pull from it what you need, in the time available. Get in, get useful information, and get out.

They say that the human brain is more powerful than the most powerful computer on earth. If this is the case, wouldn't you think that it could read more than 212 words per minute? Of course it can. The only reason you aren't doing it now is that when you were born, no one gave you a user's manual for the brain.

That's what PhotoReading is. It is a user's manual. It is like college for reading.

For comparison purposes, if it takes you 12 hours to read a book to get full comprehension (for the average person, full comprehension is somewhere between 40 and 60 percent), you'll spend an hour to an hour and a half using our system of which only a few minutes is actually PhotoReading. The rest of the time is activating the information. And you'll get at least as much information.

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