How to find (and hold on to)
Deep Peace & Expansive Joy
in this month’s Freedom Extravaganza!
Dear Friend,
Just because the world appears scary and chaotic, you don’t have to buy into it. Not at all.
10 luminaries will shine light on YOUR pathway to freedom this month as a free gift:
Marianne Williamson, Dr. Bruce Lipton,
Rev. Michael Beckwith, Marci Shimoff,
Dr. Sue Morter,
Jack Canfield, Lynne McTaggart,
Janet Attwood,
John Robbins, and
Debra Poneman.
Guided by spiritual mentor and author
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati
With special blessings and darshan by Sadhviji’s Guru:
HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji
in the first-ever Freedom Extravaganza
We’ve been through a lot this past year. We yearn for healing, happiness, and inner peace. Even
prior to Covid there has always been so much that keeps us stuck and holds us
back. Patterns of thought, patterns of
behavior, grudges, pain, unfulfilled expectations, and so much more. Yet all the spiritual traditions emphasize
that freedom is our birthright! How can
we break free of the stress, fear, negativity, addictions, and depression that
so many of us struggle with?
us for four-and-a-half hours (plus questions and answers) of spirited inspiration,
implementable wisdom, practical teachings, and enlightening moments to change our INNER world, and our OUTER world.
The Freedom Extravaganza is available right now. Get your Free Pass here.
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati,
author of the soon-to-be-released Hollywood to the Himalayas, will expand on the powerful and useful teachings in her guide, Live in Peace, Not in Pieces. You will be able to download her guide immediately as yet another free gift when you get your Free Pass to the Freedom Extravaganza.
Sadhvi is committed to helping you experience true freedom no matter your past, no matter the circumstances, no
matter what you struggle with currently, and no matter what may appear on the horizon. She holds a light of freedom for you. Join
us. Experience that light of freedom in
your own life and then become the light for the world.
The Freedom Extravaganza is available, so get your Free Pass right now.
Many Blessings,

Pete Bissonette